Angela Allen is an entrepreneur who has been assisting clients with their marketing needs and creating content for clients, since 1999. Angela has served clients in 28 states in the USA and international clients in Taiwan, China, Africa, Canada, Spain, Bermuda, and the UK.
She’s been a computer geek since she was in middle school in the late 70s (thanks to her computer-building father and her own burning desire to own a robot to do her personal bidding). She is a graduate of Centre College in Danville, Kentucky, and is a Danville native.
Before launching her own online business in 1999, Angela served as the managing editor of a small newspaper, as a political campaign media coordinator, a public relations consultant, the coordinator of a regional cancer program, and worked in fundraising and event planning.
She has been working “virtually” since before the term was commonplace. An active member of online communities for real estate agents and mobile professionals, she has served as managing editor of an industry news publication for Virtual Assistants and has been a contributing writer to several virtual, technical, and professional publications. Angela has promoted professional outsourcing for years and has mentored dozens of individual entrepreneurs who were new to the industry.
She has served on a number of local and regional boards of directors. On an international level, she served on the Board of Directors of the International Virtual Assistants Association ( from 2001-2004, serving two terms as Vice-President and leading the organization as President from 2003-2004. She also served as the Communications Committee Chair of the Boyle County Republican Party, volunteered with the Chamber of Commerce’s Young Entrepreneurs Academy, served as the Digital Communications Adviser for the Danville-Boyle County Senior Citizens Center, and regularly volunteered for the Center.
On January 1, 2015, Angela Allen and Steve Knight joined forces to form Cool Jazz, LLC and launched Cool Jazz Web Design Studio. Together they serve website clients with Steve handling the custom programming, optimization tools, and technical aspects of building a site; while Angela handles the content, layout/design, and organic SEO.
In every position she has ever held, communication has been her focus. She loves helping small business owners grow through planning and creative marketing. For her website content clients, she develops SEO-friendly information to post online and promote their businesses.
Angela has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur Magazine, Business Week Magazine, Kentucky’s Information Technology Imperative Report, The Alliance for Virtual Businesses, several real-estate industry publications, newspapers, and the book: From the Homefront: The Simple Guide to Starting and Running a Home-Based Business.
Her articles on technology, mobility, and the virtual workforce have appeared in Broker Agent News magazine and Real Estate Business magazine. She spent over a decade writing for multiple platforms for the National Association of REALTORS® including publications for Senior Real Estate Specialist® REALTORS®.
She has edited two published books: a children’s book and one on the tax implications of running a mobile business. Angela regularly blogs for clients and occasionally blogs on one or two of her own. Although she has written a couple of non-fiction books, she is currently (and excitedly) working on her first novel. Angela enjoys keeping her own life simple and is always happiest when cutting-edge mobile technology, a fine pen, and a beautifully bound journal are all within reach.